Orlando Juvenile Crime Lawyer
Common Types of Juvenile Crime in Florida
If you are the parent of a son or daughter who is facing juvenile crime charges in the Orlando area, getting competent legal representation is vital to ensure that your child's future is protected. Juveniles under the age of 18 who are accused of crimes are handled by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, which is a separate legal system from the criminal justice system for adults. The juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation as opposed to punishment. Its procedures are different than those of adult criminal procedures and having an attorney who is familiar with them is important.
Juvenile crimes include those that an adult may commit, such as:
- Drug possession
- Sexual misconduct
- Shoplifting
Juvenile crimes can also include other theft crimes, vandalism, trespassing, traffic violations, assault and battery, and gang-related activities. They also include offenses unique to individuals below the age of 18, such as underage drinking, truancy, curfew violations, driving without a driver’s license, or using a fake ID to purchase alcohol.
Call (407) 477-6744 to schedule a free consultation.
See What Our Clients Say: Real Stories, Real Results
Serving Orlando, FL Since 2012
He is an excellent attorney. He is a very intelligent and kind hearted young man.- Former Client; Avvo
Lyle has helped me tremendously during my injunction case. He has assisted with not only the civil side but stepped into a very messy criminal case as well. Lyle is a fierce advocate for his clients through and through. Incredibly knowledgable, personable, and emotionally supportive during a difficult time. When no one else would listen, Lyle made sure my concerns were heard and addressed. I would trust this guy with my life. Choosing any other attorney is a mistake you will never live down.- Brooke L.
Lyle kept me posted on all updates with my case and provided me with prompt returned calls with any questions I had.- Mike S.
If you are looking for the BEST...then NO need to look any further because with Mazin Law you have found it.- T.O.S.A.
He is readily available and demonstrates a unique perspective on criminal defense- Investigative Journalist
He filed some motion and had my case dropped in a week. He talks fast but he moves even faster.- Laney; Avvo
Going with Taylor was the best thing I could have done. She’s Very dedicated. She was available on a weekend unlike most & handled everything- Ezekiel V.
Attorney Mazin handled everything smoothly and efficiently. I never had to appear in court- Former Client; Avvo